Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Catching up from Solomons Island, MD

Click here to see our progress map.  Our current location is at the top of the list.  The pink stick pin indicates that we have turned around and are now heading south.

We stayed in the marina, Summit North, in the C&D Canal for 3 nights, again waiting for weather to pass.  We had a great time as we met up with some boating friends from Florida and met some new friends. 

We met Ruth and Bill at the Palm Beach Yacht Center, in Florida 4 years ago when Rickshaw was in for some major repairs.  We hadn’t seen them in several years.  When we anchored in Oyster Bay in Long Island Sound they gave us a call on the phone and said ‘We’re looking at you’!  Then when we were anchored in Sandy Hook, NJ they pulled into the anchorage in the afternoon.  So, Summit North was the first time we were both there at the dock and could visit face to face.   We also met some new friends Lisa and Roger who are friends of our buddy boaters, Vicki and Norm.  We all met at the marina restaurant and had a great time visiting.

Here are some pictures that Ruth (who is a great photographer) took of us on Rickshaw in the anchorage at Sandy Hook, NJ.


                                                     Rick and Lynnie relaxing on the aft deck  

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Rick getting the anchor up as the sun comes up     Making our way out of the anchorage    2010_September__4_092_thumb                   On our way out to the Atlantic Ocean for the 10 1/2 hour ride to Atlantic City

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       This is on the Chesapeake after leaving the C&D Canal.  What a gorgeous day!!


Going under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.  This guy was bigger than we are so he got the center span

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           Like we said…it was a gorgeous day and a Sunday so lots of boaters were out

DSC05573_thumb There were also half a dozen big ships waiting, we presume, to get into Baltimore harbor

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Since we knew another weather system was going to come in, we took refuge up the South River which is south of Annapolis, MD.  We anchored in a beautiful, well protected creek (behind this little bungalow)

We were in the South River for 3 nights.  We got there on Friday afternoon and it started raining on Saturday and stopped Sunday night.  We didn’t feel the winds because the banks were fairly high.

Today, Tuesday 10/5, we left for Solomons Island, MD, about a 5 1/2 hour run.  Tomorrow we are going to the southern Chesapeake to a place called Mobjack Bay…a 10 hour day.  Boy, can you tell we are ready to get back to NC???